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Reference code
- 1931 - 1967 (Creation)
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20 documents
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Illustrated menus and programmes for the Walsall Chelt Club annual dinners. Some annotated
Tenth Annual Old Chelt Dinner, Stork Hotel Walsall 14 November 1931
Walsall Chelts Annual "Convivial", Stork Hotel Walsall 9 December 1933
Fifteenth Annual Chelt Dinner, Stork Hotel Walsall 1 February 1936
Sixteenth Annual Chelt Dinner, Stork Hotel Walsall 30 January 1937
Old Chelt Dinner, White Hart 12 November 1948
Twenty First Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Stork Hotel Walsall 6 October 1950
Twenty Second Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Stork Hotel Walsall 5 October 1951
Twenty Third Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Stork Hotel 17 October 1952
Twenty Fourth Walsall Brotherhood Old Chelt Dinner, Stork Hotel 2 October 1953
Twenty Fifth Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, The Stork Walsall 1 October 1954
Twenty Sixth Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, The Stork Hotel 30 September 1955
Twenty Seventh Old Chelt Dinner, Stork Hotel Walsall 5 October 1956
Twenty Eighth Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Stork Hotel 4 October 1957
Twenty Ninth Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Stork Hotel 3 October 1958
Thirty First Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Kenmare Cafe 14 October 1960
Thirty Second Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Kenmare Cafe 6 October 1961
Thirty Third Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Kenmare Cafe 5 October 1962
Thirty Fourth Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Kenmare Cafe 4 October 1963
Thirty Eighth Old Chelt Dinner of the Walsall Brotherhood, Kenmare Cafe 1967