Identity area
Reference code
- 1919-1922 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
15 documents
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St Paul’s prospectus August 1919
St Paul’s College “Programme” 27 January 1921. Chairman Mr E F Martin. Lists songs and a play with names of participants
St Paul’s College prospectus August 1921
Programme of St Paul’s Senior Concert at The Coliseum 3 November 1921
Programme of St Paul’s Junior Concert at The Coliseum 27 January 1922 with two photographs of performers
St Paul’s College programme of a performance by The Dramatic Society 1921-1922 in The Coliseum on 8 March 1922 with three photographs of performances “Waterloo”, “In The Library”, and “Fancy Dress”
Programme of St Paul’s Staff Concert at The Coliseum 26 May 1922
Programme of Cheltenham Training College Dedication of the Memorial (1914-1918) with a copy of a photograph of the memorial window, Whit Sunday 4 June 1922
Programme of St Paul’s College Reunion sports events 1922