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Artists' Books Special Collection

  • AB
  • Collection
  • 1882 - 2014

The Artists’ Books Collection was established in 1998 following the exhibition Books As Art held at Cheltenham Museum and Art Gallery, Cheltenham Town Hall and the Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education’s Pittville Campus

Artists’ Books are created by fine artists and are also known as book art or bookworks. They come in all shapes and sizes, covering diverse topics from Trump to the Trojan War. They can use traditional book bindings or other material, and are often published in small or even single editions

Our collection includes works by Andrew Bick, Melanie Council, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Hamish Fulton, Robert Lax, Chris Ophili, Terry Smith and Andy Warhol

The collection is available to search on the University’s Library Catalogue

University of Gloucestershire

Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Library

  • BGAS
  • Collection
  • c.1520 - present

The Library is physically divided into two halves, serial and general publications, and county or country based material. There is material about most counties in England as well as on Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Subjects covered include history, archaeology, architecture, local studies, records, law, education, religion, cults and mythology, arts and crafts, coinage, industry and transport, genealogy and heraldry. The Society mainly concentrates on collecting material relating to Gloucestershire and its adjoining Counties (Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Somerset and Monmouthshire).

Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society

Cotswold Centre for History and Heritage Archive

  • CC
  • Collection
  • 2017 - 2018

The Cotswold Centre for History and Heritage brings together the work of undergraduate students and staff in History (School of Liberal and Performing Arts) at the University of Gloucestershire. Primarily student-led, the research conducted as part of the Centre aims to uncover and valorise the rich history of the area surrounding the University’s Francis Close Hall Campus by exploring historical change through a local lens.

The Centre has also been established with the intention of creating partnerships between the University, the local community and important local organisations, so that the research benefits local stakeholders as well as students.

Each year the Centre focuses on a number of different themes with the aim of producing public-facing exhibitions. In 2016-2017, staff and students worked on the first project, entitled ‘Cheltenham’s Lower High Street: Past, Present, and Future’, in collaboration with the Cheltenham Civic Society and the Cheltenham West End Partnership. This project explored one of the oldest but most neglected parts of the Regency town, aiming to appraise the area and create a more inclusive history of Cheltenham. The project culminated in an exhibition at the Chapel Arts gallery between 17-30 June 2017 and the production of a short documentary film. Staff contributions to the project were supported by the University of Gloucestershire’s Being Human Research Priority Area.

For more information on the Cotswold Centre for History and Heritage, visit their website

University of Gloucestershire

The Cyder Press Special Collection

  • CP
  • Collection
  • c.1999 - 2012

The Cyder Press was a small press, established by Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Education in 1998 as an extension of the resources provided by the College's existing Dymock Poets Archive and Study Centre.

The principal function of the Press was to reprint long out-of-print or little-known works by the Dymock Poets themselves, and by other writers with cognate regional, literary or period connections. Each volume was introduced by a contemporary scholar.

In addition The Cyder Press also published the annual Laurie Lee Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the University at the Cheltenham Literature Festival.

Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education

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