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"Dymock: The Time and The Place" by U A Fanthorpe
"Dymock: The Time and The Place" by U A Fanthorpe
"'John Henry Newman's Dream of Gerontius'" by Simon Dentith
"'John Henry Newman's Dream of Gerontius'" by Simon Dentith
""A Bitter Truth": Wilfred Owen and First World War Poetry" by Peter Widdowson
""A Bitter Truth": Wilfred Owen and First World War Poetry" by Peter Widdowson
"Mahler's Goethe: the Literary Contexts of the Eighth Symphony" by Dr Simon Barker
"Mahler's Goethe: the Literary Contexts of the Eighth Symphony" by Dr Simon Barker
Three Choirs Pre-Festival Lecture Series
Three Choirs Pre-Festival Lecture Series
The Cyder Press bookmark
The Cyder Press bookmark
The Cyder Press information leaflet
The Cyder Press information leaflet
Promotional leaflets for The Cyder Press and the Department of Humanities
Promotional leaflets for The Cyder Press and the Department of Humanities
The Cyder Press information leaflet
The Cyder Press information leaflet
"The Cyder Press: '...thy Press with purest juice shall flow...'" poster
"The Cyder Press: '...thy Press with purest juice shall flow...'" poster
"Secrets" by Michael Holroyd
"Secrets" by Michael Holroyd
"The Rural Church and its Fate in the 21st Century" by Roy Strong
"The Rural Church and its Fate in the 21st Century" by Roy Strong
"Thomas Hardy: The Time-Torn Man" by Claire Tomalin
"Thomas Hardy: The Time-Torn Man" by Claire Tomalin
"War and Poetry" by Jon Stallworthy
"War and Poetry" by Jon Stallworthy
"John Clare's New Life" by Jonathan Bate
"John Clare's New Life" by Jonathan Bate
"Whatever Happened to English Modernism" by Terry Eagleton
"Whatever Happened to English Modernism" by Terry Eagleton
"William Barnes" by Andrew Motion
"William Barnes" by Andrew Motion
"Walking as Knowing: Laurie Lee, Patrick Leigh Fermor and Path-Following" by Robert Macfarlane
"Walking as Knowing: Laurie Lee, Patrick Leigh Fermor and Path-Following" by Robert Macfarlane
"Crusoe: Daniel Defoe, Robert Knox and the Creation of a Myth" by Katherine Frank
"Crusoe: Daniel Defoe, Robert Knox and the Creation of a Myth" by Katherine Frank
"Laurie Lee: The Well-Loved Stranger" by Valerie Grove
"Laurie Lee: The Well-Loved Stranger" by Valerie Grove
The Laurie Lee Memorial Lectures
The Laurie Lee Memorial Lectures
"'Like a Soldier to the Stage': Field Commander Hamlet and the ends of Tragedy" by Professor Simon Barker
"'Like a Soldier to the Stage': Field Commander Hamlet and the ends of Tragedy" by Professor Simon Barker
"Learning for Life: An Educational Agenda for the Third Millennium" by Professor Patricia Broadfoot
"Learning for Life: An Educational Agenda for the Third Millennium" by Professor Patricia Broadfoot
"From Dock Green to Life on Mars: Continuity and Change in TV Copland" by Professor Frank Leishman
"From Dock Green to Life on Mars: Continuity and Change in TV Copland" by Professor Frank Leishman
Inaugural Lectures
Inaugural Lectures
"Cyder. A Poem in Two Books" by John Philips
"Cyder. A Poem in Two Books" by John Philips
"The Farmer's Bride" by Charlotte Mew
"The Farmer's Bride" by Charlotte Mew
"North of Boston" by Robert Frost
"North of Boston" by Robert Frost
"As Told to a Child" by Robert Frost
"As Told to a Child" by Robert Frost
"Come Christmas" by Eleanor Farjeon
"Come Christmas" by Eleanor Farjeon
"The Country" by Edward Thomas
"The Country" by Edward Thomas
"Keats" by Edward Thomas
"Keats" by Edward Thomas
"Down Cheltenham Way: An anthology of writing about Cheltenham through the ages"
"Down Cheltenham Way: An anthology of writing about Cheltenham through the ages"
"Love Letters from the Front: John Nash to Christine Kühlenthal: France 1916-1917"
"Love Letters from the Front: John Nash to Christine Kühlenthal: France 1916-1917"
"The Fleece: A Poem in Four Books" by John Dyer
"The Fleece: A Poem in Four Books" by John Dyer
"Homing In: Selected Local Poems" by U A Fanthorpe
"Homing In: Selected Local Poems" by U A Fanthorpe
"Six Poems by Edward Thomas"
"Six Poems by Edward Thomas"
"Robert Southey's Epic Fantasies: Selected Poems"
"Robert Southey's Epic Fantasies: Selected Poems"
"Battle" by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
"Battle" by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
"Selected Poems" by William Shenstone
"Selected Poems" by William Shenstone
"The Life and Lubrications of Crispinus Scriblerus: A Selection" by James Woodhouse
"The Life and Lubrications of Crispinus Scriblerus: A Selection" by James Woodhouse
"Edward Thomas on The Georgians" selected and edited by Richard Emeny
"Edward Thomas on The Georgians" selected and edited by Richard Emeny
"Selected Poems" by Ann Yearsley
"Selected Poems" by Ann Yearsley
"Ballads" by John Masefield
"Ballads" by John Masefield
"Three Plays" by Laurie Lee
"Three Plays" by Laurie Lee
"Selected Poems" by Thomas Chatterton
"Selected Poems" by Thomas Chatterton
"Edward Thomas on Thomas Hardy" collected and edited by Trevor Johnson
"Edward Thomas on Thomas Hardy" collected and edited by Trevor Johnson
"Salt-Water Ballads" by John Masefield
"Salt-Water Ballads" by John Masefield
"Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds" by Edward Thomas
"Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds" by Edward Thomas